Tan Polyvalence – Anthropo-Sexologist


The study of human cultures both past and present, of how they systematically differ and resemble each other in their customs, their values and their mentalities.

Sexual health

A state of physical, mental and social well-being in relation to sexuality. It requires a positive and respectful approach to sexuality and sexual relationships, as well as the possibility of having pleasurable and safe sexual experiences, free of coercion, discrimination and violence. (WHO)

An anthropological approach

Treats sexological issues subjectively, and thus assuages the destructive effects of norms, rules and societal injunctions.
Tan Polyvalence Anthroposexologue
I believe it is essential for everyone to be heard, to get the support, the space, the orientation or therapy they seek and need, and to receive the kind of consultation they are looking for.

The word “consultation” may be confusing or off-putting. Are we talking about care, or about coaching? Are you a client or a patient? Are you seeing a therapist? A consultant? An anthropologist? A sexologist?

I offer consultation – counselling sessions, discussions, interviews, training workshops – involving everything from simply listening to providing therapy.
My services are for everyone, in French or in English.